الثلاثاء، 11 يناير 2011

Muhammad: The Last Prophet (2002)

Muhammad: The Last Prophet (2002)

Sebuah film animasi tentang Nabi Muhammad SAW akan segera beredar menyambut Idul Fitri mulai pekan depan. Tapi jangan pernah berharap bisa melihat sosok Muhammad secara utuh.

Awan mendung menggelayut di tanah Mekkah. Terik matahari yang garang tetap tak bisa membuat tanah Mekkah bersinar. Mekkah memang tengah dilanda gelap gulita. Kemerosotan akhlak berlangsung di mana-mana. Pemujaan berhala dan penindasan terhadap hamba sahaya menjadi pemandangan kusam di Mekkah. Ya, zaman jahilyiah tengah berlangsung di sana.

Sebuah cahaya terang menyeruak di tengah kegelapan yang berkepanjangan itu. Seorang pemuda berjuluk Al-amin (dapat dipercaya) muncul. Dialah Muhammad, keponakan dari tokoh kaum Quraiys Abu Tholib, yang bersahaja dan rendah hati.

Melihat masyarakat dan sejumlah petinggi kaum Quraiys yang dzalim, hati Muhammad tergerak. Ia pun memilih menyendiri di Gua Hira. Tak dinyana, sebuah suara tiba-tiba terdengar. Tubuh Muhammad pun menggigil lemas. Lalu, sebuah perintah pun terlontar, "Iqra (bacalah-red)," Mendengar perintah itu tubuh Muhammad makin mengigil, lalu ia pun menjawab, "Saya tidak bisa membaca." "Iqra," pinta suara itu lagi. Seiring itu pulalah, Muhammad menjawab dengan ucapan yang sama.

Itulah saat-saat Muhammad menerima wahyu pertama, surat Al-Alaq, dari Allah SWT melalui malaikat Jibril di Gua Hira.

Perjuangan menyuarakan agama Allah taklah mudah bagi Muhammad di kalangan kaum Quraiys yang dzalim. Karenanya, Muhammad memilih bergerilya untuk menyebarkan ajaran-ajaran Islam kala itu.

Menggambarkan seluruh perjalanan dakwah Nabi Muhammad jelas membutuhkan waktu yang panjang untuk dijabarkan. Karenanya, film Muhammad, the Last Prophet lebih mengangkat kisah Nabi Muhammad pada periode Mekkah, Madinah dan fathu Mekkah, yakni kembalinya Muhammad ke Mekkah tanpa ada pertumpahan darah dan ratusan berhala-berhala dalam Kabah dibersihkan.

Sebelum dipublikasikan ke publik, film animasi ini diteliti dan disetujui oleh Al-Azhar Islamic Research Academy. Kisahnya sendiri diteliti dan diawasi oleh lembaga pendidikan penulisan Naskah UCLA, Ms. Firdosi Wharton-Ali dan seorang profesor hukum Islam UCLA, Dr Khaled Abou El Fadl.

Muhammad The Last Prophet, penggarapannya dipercayakan kepada Richard Rich, sutradara yang pernah menggarap film animasi klasik "the Fox and the Hound". Bagi Rich, menggarap kisah yang menggambarkan sosok Nabi Muhammad jelas memerlukan kehati-hatian, termasuk menghadirkan sosok Muhammad tanpa mengurangi ruh dari film tersebut.

"Menyajikan kisah ini agar lebih hidup merupakan sebuah tantangan yang sangat besar, tapi itu memberi apresiasi yang luar biasa atas apa yang telah dikerjakan Muhammad untuk peradaban," ujar Rich mengomentari film garapannya.

Untuk memudahkan pemahaman penonton, khususnya anak-anak, Rich juga memasukkan sejumlah narasi ketika menghadirkan sosok Muhammad. Selain menghadirkan sosok Muhammad, Abu Thalib, menjadi sosok yang juga tak kalah penting. Untuk mengisi suaranya, dibutuhkan orang yang suara yang betul-betul pas dengan karakternya.

Pilihan akhirnya jatuh pada Eli Allem, seorang aktor veteran panggung juga film. Sayang, film ini menjadi film terakhir buatnya. Allem meninggal dunia setelah ia menunaikan tugasnya mengisi suara Abu Thalib.

Film yang diproduksi Badr International Corporation, yang bermarkas di Inggris ini, diselesaikan dalam kurun waktu dua tahun serta mencakup 196 ribu gambar. Seluruh kegiatan designingnya sendiri berlangsung di Richrest Animation, Burbank, California.

Sumber : www2.kompas.com/gayahidup/news/0311/13/173232.htm

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The Pussycat Dolls Feat. Snoop Dogg - Bottle Pop (2009)

The Pussycat Dolls Feat. Snoop Dogg - Bottle Pop (2009)

ARTiST.......: The Pussycat Dolls Feat. Snoop Dog
TiTLE........: Bottle Pop
GENRE........: House
LABEL........: Universal
TOTAL LENGTH.: 36:39 min
SOURCE.......: Vinyl
ENCODER......: LAME Encoder 3.90.3 APS
QUALiTY......: VBRkbps / 44,1kHz / STEREO
SIZE.........: 56,0 MB
COVERS.......: YES [x] NO []
RLS.DATE.....: Feb-14-2009

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Portable Crash Bash (PC Game)

Portable Crash Bash (PC Game)

Crash Bash is the fifth installment in the Crash Bandicoot series. The game's story centers on a contest of minigames held by Aku Aku and Uka Uka to decide whether good or evil is the strongest.

The player wins Trophies, Crystals, and Gems by beating the different challenges of each level. The player can access additional Warp Rooms by defeating Arena Bosses. Each arena is played in the same manner; the arena continues until one player wins three rounds; winning three rounds earns the player a Trophy. Aku Aku decides that they must settle this once and for all, but when Uka Uka attempts to fight, Aku Aku reminds him that there could be no malice between them. Aku Aku summons Crash and Coco, while Uka Uka summons Doctor Neo Cortex, Doctor Nitrus Brio, Tiny Tiger, Koala Kong, Dingodile and Rilla Roo. Aku Aku protests, as Uka Uka's side has too many players. Challenging Uka Uka's confidence in his own power, Aku Aku demands that he surrender two of his team. Aku Aku denies using any tricks, and announces that he knew from the start that Uka Uka was actually attempting to steal the Crystals. Uka Uka demands what is this, and Aku Aku gives him the penalty for disturbing the Crystals. Uka Uka is ejected into space.

If the evil side wins, a supernatural storm rages throughout the universe announcing that Uka Uka has won. If one player is good and the other player is evil, Aku Aku and Uka Uka will state that they must fight each other to find out which side is stronger.

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Portable Twisted Metal 4 (PC Game)

Portable Twisted Metal 4 (PC Game)

Slam into vehicular combat action with TWISTED METAL 4 from Sony. In this souped-up addition to the TWISTED METAL series, destruction and madness have spread across the land like a disease. You are the quickest and meanest racer alive, and your ... Full Descriptiontask is to choose from varied, heavily armed, hi-tech street machines like police cars, taxicabs, motorcycles, and ice cream trucks to compete in contests of aggressive ROAD WARRIOR-style survival. Try to find the time to take in the awesome, highly interactive 3D scenery as you smash from building to building and road to road in an attempt to outrun your evil pursuers and emerge as the victor. In Single-Player mode or Head-to-Head PlayStation-networked battle, you'll fight through expansive levels, shooting and maneuvering against fearsome foes and weird criminals. Wade into combat with weapons like homing-missiles, machine guns, flamethrowers, and napalm as you slam to a hard-rocking soundtrack from Cypress Hill and Rob Zombie. In the psycho, winner-take-all world of TWISTED METAL 4, you'll need an iron will and super-human skills to survive the hellish demolition derby.

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Portable Crash Team Racing (PC Game)

Portable Crash Team Racing (PC Game)

All of the characters from CRASH BANDICOOT are  getting their go-karts ready to race.Suddenly, an alien named Nitrous Oxide appears and challenges the characters to a race.If Nitrous wins, he gets to take over the planet.Crash and his friends must win  at all costs to avoid falling under the rule of Nitrous.

Pick from classic CRASH BANDICOOT characters  like Crash, Coco, and Dr. Cortex, each with custom carts, and hit one of the 25 tracks.Jump, power slide and turbo your way to missiles and bombs you can use to get rid of the opposition.
Blast opponents in the arcade and story modes, or form teams and blast the other guys in the battle modes.When you friends start talking trash about your racing style , make up to three of them put up or shut up with versus mode.
Play CTR: CRASH TEAM RACING and try to save the world from Nitrous Oxide.

Note: Menu  bar is Spanish. But Game is English.
Control Buttons: "S" (Select menu item.) "Up, Down, Left, Right" arrow (Menu arround.)
"Z" for speed, left and right arrow for direction use in the game. Esc. button quick exit

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Portable Crash Team Racing (PC Game)

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